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Bandwidth & Port Speed Explained

Bandwidth & Port Speed

If your business is going to attract an enormous traffic volume, then looking for a provider that can offer you with an unlimited bandwidth dedicated server can be a wise decision. But, there is a lot of confusion on all the different bandwidth options you can select from other providers. Because bandwidth and pricing are one of the fixed constants, every hosting provider either provide higher quality bandwidth with higher costs or lower quality bandwidth with reducing costs – keeping businesses in a dilemma as what’s included and guaranteed.

DedicatedSolutions excels in providing bandwidth and port speed that is scalable, with high availability and network performance. Our three different plans optimize bandwidth usage and prevent network congestion with guaranteed port speed, lowering bandwidth costs as per your business needs.

Bandwidth Comparison

Volume Plans

VSComparison Chart
Unmetered Plans

VSComparison Chart
Guaranteed Plans
YesGuaranteed Port Speed(for Internal Traffic) YesGuaranteed Port Speed(for Internal Traffic) YesGuaranteed Port Speed(for Internal Traffic)
NoGuaranteed Port Speed(for Internet/Public Traffic) NoGuaranteed Port Speed(for Internet/Public Traffic) YesGuaranteed Port Speed(for Internet/Public Traffic)
YesGuaranteed Transfer
NoGuaranteed Transfer
YesGuaranteed Transfer

Unmetered Plans

In Unmetered/Unlimited Plans, we do not monitor your bandwidth utilization. Your server is connected to 1 or 10Gbits dedicated port (for internal traffic), but the uplink is shared among multiple customers. We promise Guaranteed Bandwidth, and you can burst to higher limits, but the additional bandwidth is not guaranteed.

Guaranteed Network Speed Burstable Port Speed Guaranteed Traffic Volume
Unlimited/Unmetered 1Gbits 500Mbits 1Gbits N/A
Unlimited/Unmetered 10Gbits 3Gbits 10Gbits N/A

Volume Plans

DedicatedSolutions high volume plans provide ample bandwidth and port speed, more than enough for even the most demanding sites. Our Volume Based Plans are limited by the Monthly Volume allocated to you. Your server is connected to a 1 or 10Gbits dedicated port (for Internal Traffic) but the Uplink is shared between multiple customers. We do guarantee the included volume comes with your plan, and you can burst to higher throughput, but we do not guarantee the throughput on the port speed.

Guaranteed Network Speed Burstable Port Speed Guaranteed Traffic Volume
25TB Volume Plans 1Gbits 500Mbits 1Gbits 25TB
100TB Volume Plan 1Gbits 500Mbits 1Gbits 100TB
25TB Volume Plans 10Gbits 500Mbits 10Gbits 25TB
100TB Volume Plan 10Gbits 3Gbits 10Gbits 100TB
300TB Volume Plan 10Gbits 3Gbits 10Gbits 300TB
600TB Volume Plan 10Gbits 3Gbits 10Gbits 600TB
1200TB Volume Plan 10Gbits 3Gbits 10Gbits 1200TB

Guaranteed Plans

Our Guaranteed Bandwidth Plans unlock your potential as we allocate and guarantee the full speed bandwidth you are ordering from us. The bandwidth is not shared, no other customer, no nothing – it’s entirely and 100% dedicated to you.

Guaranteed Network Speed Burstable Port Speed Guaranteed Traffic Volume
1Gbits 1Gbits 10Gbits About 300TB
2Gbits 2Gbits 10Gbits About 600TB
3Gbits 3Gbits 10Gbits About 900TB
4Gbits 4Gbits 10Gbits About 1200TB
5Gbits 5Gbits 10Gbits About 1500TB
6Gbits 6Gbits 10Gbits About 1800TB
7Gbits 7Gbits 10Gbits About 2100TB
8Gbits 8Gbits 10Gbits About 2400TB
9Gbits 9Gbits 10Gbits About 2700TB
10Gbits 10Gbits 10Gbits About 3000TB