Dedicated Solutions – Secure Networks
Better Network Speed, Security and Reliability
Dedicated Solutions is pleased to provide infrastructure support to assist carriers in establishing services at our data center. Qualified carriers can enjoy complimentary space and power within our redundant meet-me rooms, as well as free use of diverse fiber routes.
Global Network
Network topology and configuration automatically improves in real time across all our Locations.
Our Vendors: Cisco, Juniper, and Extreme Networks work with us to continually improve services, monitoring and security.
Configuration, guards against single points of failure at the shared network level extendable to your VLAN environment).
Any carrier failure or event is rebalanced through our Point-to-Point connections between our Cities mesh network facilities to rebalance in real-time.
10Gig, 40Gig and 100Gig
QoS across our entire network.
Multi Carriers high quality Bandwidth Blend.
Non oversubscribed infrastructure.
Minimum 50% spare Bandwidth across our entire network.

Core and Edge Network Equipment
Cisco Nexus non-blocking switching core.
10-40Gbp/s across our switching core.
DDoS protected.
NO Software-defined switching used to be able to deliver highest PPS rates to our clients.
NO PPS limit to our customers.
Multi Carriers High Quality Bandwidth Blend
Redundant Enterprise Grade Edge Routing Equipment
Peering with local fiber rings to enhance performance
Brocade & HP Flex-Fabric
Automated Network, VLAN and QoS provisioning

Enterprise Routing Capabilities
Customer based dedicated VLAN – connect your diverse servers across all our locations through private VLANs.
Usage case based SLAs for connectivity between our locations.
Our Network Technicians
Our Networking and security teams are certified and thoroughly experienced in managing and monitoring enterprise-level networks.
Our Certified Network Technicians are trained to the highest industry standards.
24 X 7 Network monitoring and proactive management.
DDoS attacks and other Network attacks are managed and mitigated by our staff.
Cisco, Juniper, Arista certified engineers on-staff
Core Routing Equipment
Fully redundant, enterprise-class routing equipment.
Advanced 3 routers each location (compared to usual 2 each location of most other providers).
Either of the 3 Router can carry the full load of the City being served.
Fiber carriers enter at disparate points to guard against service failure.
Newest Cisco & Juniper Terabit core Routers.